At the outset, I would like to thank the 650 or so residents who came out to our STOP CLUBLINK Community Meeting at Earl of March on November 5 and the more than 500 who have watched the video online since.Continue reading
Author Archives: SusanD
Jamie Portman writes in Ottawa Citizen Opinion: Why Kanata residents are so upset
A warning to ClubLink: Ottawa’s current city government is far more responsive to Kanata’s concerns than were previous regimes.
Barbara Ramsay talks to CTV ahead of Our November 5 Meeting
We want to get the community involved effectively in our fight against Clublink. Our November 5 meeting attracted over 600 people. Continue reading
CTV News with our Chair Barbara Ramsay about the Clublink application
Our Chair, Barbara Ramsay, talks to CTV Ottawa News about the latest action in the battle against Clublink. The City of Ottawa has filed the paperwork to bring the case to court. Saturday October 26, 2019.Continue reading
Barbara Ramsey talks to CBC
Barbara Ramsay is the chair of the Kanata Greenspace Protection Coalition. She says the city is ‘doing what it should be doing’ by demanding ClubLink honour a 38-year-old agreement with the former City of Kanata.Continue reading
Our September Newsletter
I don’t know about you but I seem to ask the same question every year… where did the Summer go? We’ve been busy at and do want to bring you up to date on some changes we’ve made and a new announcement or two! But first off, as always….Continue reading
Give Your Feedback on the City of Ottawa Official Plan
The City is proposing to make a number of significant policy changes through the Official Plan to make Ottawa the most liveable mid sized city in North America. You can provide your feedback until September 16.Continue reading
Our August Newsletter
Summer has indeed crept up on us… we hope you are enjoying some of these long, lazy, hazy days with your family and friends!
We have been busy since the December announcement by ClubLink of its plan to redevelop our shared Kanata Golf Club land and we want to bring you up to date on what we have been doing.Continue reading
City of Ottawa Solicitor issues memo to Council outlining the next legal steps
We have reached a milestone today. The City of Ottawa has indicated they will to move quickly to court should ClubLink come forward with a development and/or rezoning application. Continue reading
1000 Lawn Signs snapped up in days to protest ClubLink
Beaverbrook and Kanata Lakes streets are awash in SAVE OUR KANATA GREENSPACE lawn signs as the community begins its push back against the ClubLink proposal to redevelop the Kanata Golf Club. Continue reading