The Kanata Greenspace Protection Coalition’s billboard and social media campaign couldn’t have been
timelier. We’ve been touting the benefits of urban greenspace on physical and mental health for months. Each day,
we’re seeing more and more science-based studies on the importance of green spaces in cities. Whether it’s
improved air quality, stress relief or the promotion of physical activity for all ages, the benefits of connecting with
nature are obvious.
Eight weeks into the Covid-19 pandemic, it’s clear. Coronavirus has reminded us how important liveable
neighbourhoods are for our well being. As we work to stop the spread and reduce the demand on health care, we’re
all spending a lot more time at home, finding out the strengths and weaknesses of Ottawa’s neighbourhoods.
In Kanata North, we’re fortunate to have paths, trails, parks and a great deal of green and open space, while
downtown residents are searching for safe spots to walk 2 metres apart. The NCC is trying methods like closing part
of the Queen Elizabeth Driveway to vehicle traffic, to allow residents a place to walk and socially distance without
being too crowded.
Kanata Lakes and Beaverbrook were designed by visionary Bill Teron with green space top of mind. That’s
why we have the 40% Agreement. During the Covid crisis, it has been easier for our residents to walk and run
comfortably in our own greenspace, unlike the challenges faced by those in areas of Ottawa with a dense urban
design. Just one more reason for us to continue our fight against ClubLink, Minto Communities and Richcraft Homes plan to destroy the 175 acres of open space that winds it’s way through our community.
KGPC Background:
The 40% Agreement is a contract created in 1981 between the City of Kanata and Campeau Corporation, the owner
of several undeveloped land parcels in the Kanata North area, one of which is the Kanata Golf Club. The intent of the
Agreement is to preserve in perpetuity these green and open spaces, which are to represent a minimum of 40 percent
of the physical area of Kanata as well as to stipulate that area residents and their families shall have shared use of
these lands.
In December 2018, ClubLink, the current owner of the Kanata Golf Club, announced its intention to partner with Minto Communities and Richcraft Homes to redevelop this golf course land for residential housing. In May 2019, the City of Ottawa Finance and Economic Development Committee approved funding to initiate a legal defence of the 40% Agreement.
About: The Kanata Greenspace Protection Coalition is a not-for-profit corporation, focused on increasing public
awareness about the importance of greenspace preservation. Our goal is to raise funds and public support for the
City of Ottawa efforts to ensure that the 40% Agreement is enforced.