eNews – 40% Agreement Appeal Submissions are Filed 

June 18, 2024
Last week the Kanata Greenspace Protection Coalition (KGPC) filed our written submission to the Ontario Court of Appeal (ONCA).  As with all previous legal documents related to this now 5-year campaign to SAVE OUR GREENSPACE, you will find all of the documents on our website.

Last week the Kanata Greenspace Protection Coalition (KGPC) filed our written submission to the Ontario Court of Appeal (ONCA).  As with all previous legal documents related to this now 5-year campaign to SAVE OUR GREENSPACE, you will find all of the documents on our website.   For the non-lawyers among you, the Intervener’s Factum is our written submission to ONCA and is the primary document.  When reading our submission, should you wish to review any document being referenced, you will find it in our Compendium.  Likewise, our Book of Authorities contains the case law and various court decisions referred to in our factum.   All in one place on our website!

ClubLink also filed its response to the City’s appeal of the Labrosse decision.  Likewise, they have a Respondent’s Factum and a Respondent’s Compendium which we provide to our supporters on our website.

This almost completes the written submissions.  The appeal process does allow ClubLink a short, written response to the Coalition’s submission should they choose to do so.  They must file it in the next few weeks.

The next step will be the hearing itself on November 13, 2024.  Make sure the morning is on your calendar.  To be sure, we will update you on viewing coordinates once ONCA makes them available.

Share your feedback on Ottawa’s greenspaces and great places.   Help our campaign and community by participating in this quick City of Ottawa online survey before July 31.

With over 100 recreational facilities and 1,300 parks spanning more than 4,300 hectares of parkland, Ottawa is full of green spaces and great places for our community to enjoy.

The city is reviewing the Parks and Facilities By-law and your input is essential to ensure that these spaces and places remain green and great for everyone.

Participate in the online survey by Wednesday, July 31 to provide your feedback.

The Parks and Facilities By-law covers a wide variety of topics. In this review, they will be asking for your views on public safety, maintaining green spaces, amenities maintenance and equal opportunity.  But we should not miss this opportunity to remind them about greenspace accessibility as well.

DRAFT 1 – Ottawa’s New Zoning By-law

The first draft of the New Zoning By-law was released on Engage Ottawa on May 31,2024 and its arrival seems to have caught some of our supporters by surprise.  You can check out all aspects of this city process here which includes an interactive map and the by-law text.   There are many changes to zoning designations including most of the residential lots in Kanata North as well as the Kanata Golf Club (KGC) land which is moving from O1A to REC1.   Here is the relevant text from the by-law as related to the intention of these specific zone designations:

Part 11 – Institutional, Recreation and Greenspace Zones
This part of the draft Zoning By-law includes updated provisions and zones for lands currently zoned Institutional, Open Space, or Leisure in Zoning By-law 2008-250.
Section 1102 – Recreation Zone (REC)
It is proposed to condense the current Community Leisure Facility Zone (L1), Major Leisure Facility Zone (L2) and subzones O1A, L1A and L2B in Zoning By-law 2008-250 into a new REC – Recreation Zone. This zone will include all the current permitted uses in the Community Leisure Facility Zone (L1) and Major Leisure Facility Zone (L2). Some specific subzone permissions will be carried forward through exceptions. New permitted uses have also been proposed to expand the range of recreational uses that are permitted.  
Policies 4.4.4(1) and 4.4.6(2) of the Official Plan encourage the co-location of housing with parks and lands with recreation, libraries and other similar facilities. This is addressed by permitting residential as a conditional use, where one or more of the following uses are located on the lot: community centre, library, and recreation and athletic facility.

We have asked Councillor Cathy Curry to provide some background and explanation from planning staff as to what this REC1 zoning and the applicable policies from the Official Plan could allow for the Kanata Golf Club lands.   We will watch for her response and will be sure to share it with you.

It is important to note that this is the first draft of this document, a process which began in January 2021.   Consultation on this draft will continue through the balance of 2024 and result in a Second Draft of the Zoning By-law in Q1 2025.  The Final Draft is planned for Q4 2025.  There is lots of time to gather information and provide feedback with the help of Councillor Curry.  More from us as we have it.

So, for now these are the issues we are following.    We’ve left you with some good summer reading and a little bit of work with an online survey.
Rest assured; we will be back to you with any breaking news!  We are only an email away.

We truly hope you and your family enjoy our green and open spaces and our bustling Kanata North neighbourhoods all summer long.

As always, thank you for your commitment and ongoing support.
Take good care.


Chair, Kanata Greenspace Protection Coalition
E – chair@ourkanatagreenspace.ca
C –  613.725.4345 ** Note: New Number


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