October 23, 2024
Many of you have been in touch with us over the past few months and have Wednesday, November 13 top of mind. That’s the day the Ontario Court of Appeal (ONCA) will hear the City’s appeal of the 2023 Labrosse decision regarding the development of the Kanata Golf Club land.
We are! And I bet most of you are too!
Ontario Court of Appeal Hearing – November 13, 2024
I know that many of you who have been in touch with us over the past few months have Wednesday, November 13 top of mind. That’s the day the Ontario Court of Appeal (ONCA) will hear the City’s appeal of the 2023 Labrosse decision regarding the development of the Kanata Golf Club land.
In our June e-news we provided you with all the documents related to this hearing including the Kanata Greenspace Protection Coalition’s (KGPC) application on behalf of our supporters and our community. You can find those here on our website. In addition, over the past few days, ClubLink has informed our legal counsel that they intend to file a reply factum to our submission in advance of the hearing. We will post it on our website and so advise you when we see it.
Our legal team intends to travel to Toronto on November 12 and present our community’s submissions in person. We have also contacted the court to setup a virtual connection to ensure that our supporters can watch the hearing live. We expect the half-day hearing to start at the usual court time of 9:30am and to conclude mid-day. When we receive that detailed logistical information, we will share it with you.
So, more information to come. And a decision in the not-too-distant future.
What’s next?
With that ONCA decision in hand, the KGPC will make plans to get our experts in front of you with the update, answers to your questions and their take on ‘the lay of the land’ moving forward. You have told us that our Town Halls, whether virtual or in person have been valuable from an information perspective and rewarding from an emotional one. We are grateful that you reward us by joining in, committing to and funding our best laid plans. We’ll see you at our next one, after the ONCA decision.
In closing, we do appreciate hearing from you. Many ask us why we continue this onerous legal battle. As we have said frequently in this five almost six-year process of opposition, the best course at the moment is seen to be the protection of the 40% Agreement. It is the most definitive and accessible path to success against ClubLink and its plans. And so, our best bet is to continue to support the City in its opposition to this ClubLink/Minto/Richcraft project by protecting the 40% Agreement.
For certain, we will be back in touch soon!
In the meantime, take good care.
We’re better together!
Chair, Kanata Greenspace Protection Coalition
E – chair@ourkanatagreenspace.ca
C – 613.725.4345