eNews – Kanata Greenspace Townhall … you know you better come out and get a seat!  February 4, 2025

The Board of the Kanata Greenspace Protection Coalition (KGPC) has been busy.  We have been organizing and attending meetings. Listening, learning and considering the options. And because options moving forward may have deadlines attached, we need to ensure you stay informed to give us a clear understanding of the outcome you want.   And so, even more reason to see you at the Townhall!

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2025    7pm – 9pm
MLACAK CENTRE, Halls A-D,  Campeau Drive, KANATA

Invited Guests: 

  • Councillor Cathy Curry, Ward 4 Kanata North
  • Mayor Mark Sutcliffe
  • MP Jenna Sudds
  • MPP Karen McCrimmon
  • Alyssa Tomkins, Partner, GOWLING WLG

Live streaming is not possible.  A recording will be available after the event.

We have not only felt the winter weather this week but also received a cold blast from the Ontario Court of Appeal.   As you know, it ruled against the City application to protect the 40% Agreement by doubling down on the lower court ( Labrosse) decision and essentially voiding the entire Agreement in the process.   Many in the know have admitted surprise at the decision.  Of course, all legal experts involved (and some from the sidelines) are reviewing to determine possible paths forward.   We understand the City is working its way through that process right now and Councillor Curry’s Friday update will give you the latest news from City Hall.

The Board of the Kanata Greenspace Protection Coalition (KGPC) has been busy all week too.  First and foremost, getting you the news.   We have been organizing and attending meetings. Listening, learning and considering the options.  We expect that you have questions.  And because options moving forward may have deadlines attached, we need to ensure you stay informed to give us a clear understanding of the outcome you want.   And so, even more reason to see you at the Townhall!

Updates and important changes will always be in your inbox, on our www.OurKanataGreenspace.ca website and our KGPC Facebook page.   We use our partner community associations to distribute our material too.   Check out the  KBCA and KLCA newsletters.

In the meantime,  enjoy our community and wonderful spaces.  Think positive!
Be there on the 4th… because We’re Better Together!


Chair, Kanata Greenspace Protection Coalition
E – chair@ourkanatagreenspace.ca
C –  613.725.4345

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