The solution we need for the Kanata Golf Club development issue most assuredly involves the City. As a result, there can be no more important choice than our representative to the City for the next four years, our Kanata North Councillor. We know that there are a variety of approaches that any Councillor can bring to this job and how they represent our community once they are given a seat at the Council table. We’ve written them with some background to four top-of-mind questions that may help you make up your mind.
September 18, 2022 Email to All Candidates from the KGPC
Thank you for your choosing to put your name forward to represent the residents, taxpayers and our community as a City Council candidate in Ward 4- Kanata North. It’s a big decision just to run. Congratulations on making it!
I chair the Kanata Greenspace Protection Coalition (KGPC) whose mandate it is to protect the natural and green spaces that create and support the very essence of a natural Kanata.
We remain locked in a fight with ClubLink and local developers Minto and Richcraft to prevent the development of 175 acres of open urban greenspace in the centre of our community.
We have four questions for you as our candidate for City Councillor. Before the Advance Voting Days, we will publish your response (or non-response) in our e-News and on our website. Kindly consider September 30 a deadline for your response in order that we can meet the publishing deadline created by the Advanced Polls.
Thank you for your time today and, once again, for choosing to run in this municipal election. We hope to see you at the All-Candidate Meet and Greet at the Mlacak Centre on September 27.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Barbara Ramsay
Kanata Greenspace Protection Coalition
Question 1:
Accessible abundant greenspace and nature is perhaps the primary reason many choose to call Kanata home. The right to use the open space of the Kanata Golf Club (KGC) is deeded to thousands of surrounding homeowners by the singular 40% Agreement.
Our community is counting on the City of Ottawa to oppose the proposed ClubLink development of the KGC in the courts (by continuing to oppose the 40% Agreement) and at the Ontario Land Tribunal on the basis of risk to the fragile stormwater management (SWM) system in the area and the absence of an acceptable SWM plan to the City. The KGPC has written to the provincial Minister of the Environment asking for a full environmental assessment knowing that there are identified mercury contamination in addition to environmental issues.
If successful in the election of October 24, will you commit to supporting our community in opposition to the ClubLink development? How do you propose to help the KGPC lead the community opposition?
Cathy Curry – September 18, 2022
Actions speak louder than words. Anyone can say they will continue to oppose it. I, however, have already taken a number of actions to ensure that my actions speak for themselves. I am 100% committed to continuing to oppose the development which, thanks to the collaborative efforts of Barbara Ramsay, the KGPC, City staff, the Mayor, City Council, and myself, should not be as depressing as it once was. With the unanimous Council motion for which I received support, in support of the 40% agreement and in opposition to any development that was in contravention of it, City staff have clear direction that development on the golf course is not supported. With the 192 conditions laid out by the Ontario Land Tribunal, it is now clear to everyone that those conditions (outlined in the document I wrote that listed all of the hurdles and roadblocks) are almost insurmountable. In addition, with the recent flooding in Beaverbrook due to the recent rains, the stormwater management system (which is the golf course itself) is clearly taxed with any unique weather events. Sadly, there will likely be more of those to come. As well, given the power that City government has to ensure development makes sense, replacing all of the water pipe infrastructure from the golf course right out to the Ottawa River would not be something the City would have to agree to. That, I understand, would be required. And, that, would require Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority Approval and NCC approval.
There are other ways to ensure the 40% agreement lands remain as they are for all to enjoy. The Provincial Government can invoke a provincial interest in the lands as greenspace as they threatened to do for Glen Abbey. The Provincial Government could issue a municipal zoning order (MZO). An MZO is not as strong, but it is an option. I have sent clear messages to our local MPP that we would like a full environmental assessment, a public community consultation and the same treatment that Glen Abbey received. I continue, with Barbara Ramsay, to pursue those avenues. With the KGPC, we are working on a simple strategy to get the 10,000 emails, in support of the greenspace, that our MPP has requested. Given the strong relationship between the Kanata North Tech Park’s ability to attract talent and the attractiveness of Kanata’s greenspace to employees and their families, my work with the Kanata North Business Association includes getting those 10,000 emails that are required. Finally, while it may not seem as important, I have already spent time ensuring the community understands what stage we are at, including submitting an Op. Ed. in the Ottawa Citizen on the topic. Watch for that. Connecting the dots for everyone is an important part of the efforts to ensure our greenspace remains for all to enjoy. Without the understanding by all of the City Councillors, the Mayor, City staff and the public regarding how ensuring that long-term land agreements remain valid affects all of us, the challenge becomes greater. Communication and collaboration are two key elements in this issue. I have demonstrated that action, communication and collaboration are my strong suits.
Christine Moulaison – September 22, 2022
We all know the absolute proven benefits of greenspace for our community. We see people coming from all over the city to walk the paths and trails all over Kanata, as well as residents who greatly enjoy the benefits of the space that KGC allots them. This is not something we can afford to lose, as a community and city. I will be more than happy to be a voice and speak out on behalf of the residents if asked to do so.
Vioril Copil – September 26, 2022
Yes, absolutely. In addition to supporting the ongoing fight in the courts, I intend to work with local MPP Merrilee Fullerton, to convince the provincial government to block this and any similar future development on the golf course lands due to the valid concerns that have been raised regarding this project.
Question 2:
At 15.9%, Kanata was Canada’s third fastest-growing community of more than 100,000 people. And, the Kanata North Tech Park (the largest in Canada) is predicting new work roles numbering 30,000 in the coming decade.
Our main streets are already congested and our central spaces are being developed at the expense of woodlands and tree canopy. We are asked often, is there a future for a “Natural Kanata”?
As our next City Councillor, what should the City do to support and deal with the impacts of this growth? How do you see yourself driving that change as our newly elected Councillor?
Cathy Curry – September 18, 2022
Current City Councillors and candidates need to be familiar with all that the City’s new Official Plan has in it. While we are all aware that Ottawa will need more housing, the Official Plan lays out what that looks like. Let me tell you what it does NOT say. It does not say build anywhere at any cost and destroy environmentally sensitive lands to do so. It outlines how important it is to have livable, walkable, safe, and green communities where people can thrive. It outlines how important active transportation, pathways, public transit, parks and greenspace are for healthy communities. Being able to get to all that one needs within a 15-minute walk is within our ability when designing new neighbourhoods. Many communities across Ottawa do not have that luxury. Fitting a new concept into an old neighbourhood is much more challenging. We can design with 15-minute neighbourhoods in mind. That includes greenspace, parks and community amenities, connected pathways, affordable housing, community and social services from the beginning…not retrofitted afterwards. Our tree planting goals and canopy coverage targets are ambitious but doable. New neighbourhoods can be designed with tree canopy coverage in mind, just as Beaverbrook was many years ago. Many things are possible. That’s the beauty of Kanata as it grows.
With the vision for the Tech Park with our universities and colleges building residences there, students can stay in the Tech Park for their internships, and afterwards, as residential options will be there. With the LRT to Moodie almost completed, express buses up Carling will ensure that people do not have to drive to get to the 540 companies in the Tech Park. With the vision for autonomous vehicle shuttle service and when LRT Stage 3 is completed, those shuttles, combined with a Bus Rapid Transit up the middle of a widened March Road is what will be required. I am committed to this multi-faceted vision and laud it everywhere I go.
Christine Moulaison – September 22, 2022
We know as residents that growth is inevitable. We love it here in Kanata North, so it’s very easy to see why so many other people want to live and work here as well. Keeping greenspace for current residents and newcomers alike will be an absolute must in my opinion. Ensuring we have actual public consultation and making sure to listen to actual feedback from the public will be of the utmost importance. I would also be willing to work together with groups such as CAFES to make sure to look at developments through an environmental protection lens and not just one of growth.
Vioril Copil – September 26, 2022
Most people accept that economic development is beneficial for the community, as it provides opportunities for our children and it allows the residential tax burden to be reduced. This doesn’t mean that we have to go ahead with unrestrained development. We must make every effort to ensure harmonious balance between new development, existing residential neighbourhoods and the environment.
Here it is what I intend to do in order to try to ensure responsible development in Kanata North:
- I will advocate for the LRT to be finalized and phase 3 to be continued to Kanata Centrum and the Outlets. Also, we need to create a reliable bus service with routes, connecting the businesses and residential areas to the LRT stations.
- I will oppose the elimination of the R1 zoning. Instead each situation should be analysed separately and the community should provide input to the decision-making process.
- I will support the intensification along the LRT main transportation corridors. I would also note that intensification needs to be done with sensitivity to the existing environment. It should not be done to the detriment of existing neighbourhoods.
Question 3:
Citing the Mainstreet Research poll of September 14, 2022, a clear majority of 62% of respondents said they were very (29%) or somewhat (33%) dissatisfied with Ottawa’s current municipal government. City Council sets the direction and tone for our municipal government.
In your opinion, what are the key contributors to this negative view?
If you are successful as one of 24 City Councillors, what will you do at City Council to help deliver positive change to our municipal government?
Cathy Curry – September 18, 2022
I think those statistics reflect a general feeling by the people of Ottawa that they do not like to see people arguing and fighting and taking entrenched positions that polarize everyone. From the thousands of doors I have knocked on, I hear that people understand the complexity of the issues. They recognize that seeing things in terms of either/or and yes or no is indicative of simplistic thinking. Kanata, in particular, was built on creative, thoughtful, collaborative, open-mindedness. I think people look at how decisions are made in their workplaces and their own lives and realize that team work and diversity of thought are what bring about good solutions. Unfortunately, the culture on Council for the last few years (through tough times, mind you) has not been ideal.
Indeed, the world has seen a lot of polarizing behaviour overall. So, now is our chance to elect people who are collaborative, creative, thoughtful and open-minded. I am a communicator by nature. I don’t love conflict. I never tell the people of Kanata that I will “fight.” I will work together with a bunch of smart, experienced, thoughtful, and creative people who expect what I expect from my elected representatives, too—thoughtful dialogue and problem-solving that reflects what they have to have heard from the people they represent. The Mayor and Council will have to remember that working together is the best way forward. I have already demonstrated that that is the way I work. I will continue to do that for Kanata North. That works for me everywhere I go and has worked well for us on the golf course issue, as I think all will agree. As it comes naturally to me, to bring people together to work on solutions, I am hopeful that that will be the culture for the next four years with so many new Councillors at the table. As the Mayor sets that tone, however, I have encouraged almost every resident I have talked to at the doors to please choose carefully when you cast your vote for Mayor!
Christine Moulaison – September 22, 2022
We’ve seen an absolute lack of transparency and honesty and public trust has absolutely plummeted from this. We need to rebuild this trust with the residents of the city. We need to bring back open forums and transparency. We need people at the table we know are honest and will lead with integrity. We need people we can trust and we know will listen to input and feedback from residents. That will go out and work with everyone and not just those people they choose. We have the opportunity to make great change and move our council forward in a great and cooperative direction.
Vioril Copil – September 26, 2022
I think that there are several factors that contribute to the negative perception of our current municipal government:
- While taxes continue to increase, the services provided by the city have decreased
- The City seems incapable of running projects on-schedule and within budget;
- Most decisions that impact us are made without consulting us. When there is consultation, it is often biased and our opinions are ignored. Public transport routes have decreased and wait times have increased;
- Road repairs take an unreasonable amount of time;
- The revelations made during the LRT public inquiry indicate that the current council did not provide the necessary governance, accountability or transparency.
I am myself one of those dissatisfied residents. That is why I decided to get involved, and to offer my knowledge and experience to try to address these deficiencies and to get things done in a timely and cost-effective manner.
I am a certified professional accountant with advanced knowledge and experience in financial management. I am also an experienced manager of both people and projects. I intend to use my knowledge and experience in financial and project management to bring fiscal responsibility to City Hall. Not being linked to any special interests, I will be held accountable for my actions only by those I represent and by my own conscience.
Question 4:
Much of the time and effort of a City Councillor is spent in committee or on committee work and consultation.
What Council committees will you seek to join and why?
Cathy Curry – September 18, 2022
I have really enjoyed the committees I am currently on (Planning, Finance and Economic Development, Information Technology, and Transit). I have enjoyed being on the Police Services Board and Hydro Ottawa as well. Given my work on the CHEO board, my career as an educator, Chair of the Ottawa Carleton District School Board, and as I complete my Masters of Arts in Counselling Psychology, however, I gravitate to the Community and Social Services Committee, the Environment Committee and Ottawa Public Health. I am able to contribute to any of the committees, really, though. I have sat on Audit and Finance Committees on the Ottawa Children’s Treatment Centre Board and CHEO, so I could do that again. I have a strong governance background, so I believe I would be happy with any committee or board. However, given the number of new candidates that will be elected in other wards, I feel that while the Mayor will likely have many strong options for all of the committee positions, my experience on Council may mean that a new Mayor may look for experience. I would say that any new Councillor for Kanata North would want to be on Planning Committee. Given our challenges with the golf course and greenspace and considerable growth, that committee would be critical.
Christine Moulaison –
September 22, 2022
There are several that definitely are in areas I think I could be very effective on as a member or that would be beneficial to be on for the betterment of our ward. Two in particular that I think would be extremely important going forward for our ward would be the Planning Committee and the Standing Committee on Environmental Protection, Water and Waste Management. Both of these are areas we know are of the utmost importance to residents of Kanata North.
Vioril Copil – September 26, 2022
With my background as accountant and project manager, I believe I can make a significant contribution to the work of the Finance and Economic Development Committee and the Audit Committee, both of which I intend to join.
Given the great interest that the residents of Kanata North have in the future development of Ottawa, and the dire need to improve public transit I also intend to join the Planning Committee and the Transit Commission.