Well this past week has certainly been full of communication… both good and bad.
The November 22 City deadline … was not a deadline.
We encourage you to keep your comments coming.Thank you to those of you who wrote to the City. The Coalition was copied on over 200 letters and I understand that the City planning department has received hundreds more.
Just to clarify, we have confirmed that City planning will accept public comments at anytime in this process. Our website at Write to the City has some topics and recommendations to assist in letter writing should you need them.
If you have not written your letter of opposition yet please do … and send it to the City planning department at kanatalakes@ottawa.ca. Please copy Councillor Sudds at jenna.sudds@ottawa.ca and the Coalition at chair@ourkanatagreenspace.ca
Monday night’s Statutory Consultation Meeting was not in the public interest!
If you were able to get a seat in one of the meetings at the Mlacak Centre last evening, you were probably as disappointed as we were.
The first half of each 90 minutes meeting was consumed by videos explaining where the golf course lands were located (twice- as if we did not know!) and a review of the material taken directly from the City’s 7000 Campeau Development website. Many present were frustrated by a seeming unwillingness or inability of the proponent representatives to answer questions fully and completely. All present were frustrated by comments that were patently false. (e.g.: a suggestion in one session that no deer or wildlife currently live on the golf course lands)
Audience participation was managed by written questions chosen by the moderator and City staff and fielded by either Laurel McCreight, Planner on behalf of the City or the various firms working on behalf of ClubLink, Minto and Richcraft. You should know that planning staff have committed to putting community questions and answers from all sessions up on 7000 Campeau Development website in the next short while. We’ll follow up and let you know when they are there.
We understand Councillor Jenna Sudds has already shared her concerns regarding this meeting with the planning staff and we thank her for that. We would encourage you to send your comments to the Councillor at jenna.sudds@ottawa.ca as well as the planning staff at kanatalakes@ottawa.ca in order that they hear your important concerns directly and ensure a more transparent and appropriate process is developed for the next Statutory Consultation meeting on this proposal scheduled for January 20, 2020.
The Opinion of our planner. Some better news for you!
Here is the initial Opinion by Dennis Jacobs, Principal Planner at Momentum Planning on the ClubLink proposal that was submitted on behalf of the KGPC to the City of Ottawa Planning department.
We hope you are as impressed as we are with the concise, pragmatic and clear opposition to the ClubLink 7000 Campeau Redevelopment proposal delivered by Mr. Jacobs.
We have to remind you that Opinions of this caliber are critical in our fight against ClubLink. If you were at the Monday night meetings and heard from the proponent representatives, you will see the value in the content of this report. We need more high caliber, credentialed commentary like this.
It is clear to us at the KGPC that investing in high quality expertise puts the community in a much stronger position to go up against ClubLink, Minto and Richcraft. We anticipate that we will need to hire expert engineers and others to refute the material in the ClubLink proposal and, to ensure that City planning staff and ultimately Councillors are seeing the true, unvarnished disaster that this proposal will bring to our community.
We Still Need Your Donation
We trust that you see good benefit in the work the KGPC is doing on your behalf. Our Make a Difference Campaign was launched on November 5 with an initial goal of $185,000. You can find out more about that campaign on our website.
Since then, we have raised just under $70,000. Thank you to all who donated!
But we cannot stop. The KGPC must continue to hire the experts we need to ensure our community succeeds. This is our own David against Goliath story.
We need your donation by cheque or GoFundMe today. Instructions are here.
Organizing Community Research Groups
At our STOP CLUBLINK Community Meeting at Earl of March on November 5 some residents expressed a desire to lend their personal expertise, analytical or other skills to discussions around the technical submissions made to date by ClubLink. They are trying to connect with others interested. If you want to participate, they would like to hear from you.
Please write to Karen Noseworthy, our Volunteer Coordinator at volunteers@ourkanatagreenspace.ca and let her know your coordinates and area of expertise. She will ensure the information is passed along to those organizing.
We look forward to hearing and sharing the information coming out of these groups. Thank you very much!
Mark your Calendar… January 29, 2020 is the Night…
The Newbridge Ballroom at The Brookstreet Hotel will be the place to be!
Please join us for
The KGPC is building on the huge success of our Lawn Sign campaign and bringing our many supporters and community partners together for some fabulous food, live entertainment, live and silent auctions and more.
We hope you will join us. How about organizing a table with your neighbours and friends?
Tickets are $150 and are available online
If you are interested in sponsorship activities please email our Events group
We are also happy to speak with your about auction donations as well.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Together we are better!
Barbara Ramsay, Chair
chair@ourkanatagreenspace.ca |