February 22, 2202

The Kanata Greenspace Protection Coalition is taking ClubLink Corporation to court, to stop the destruction of 175 acres of green and open space in the heart of the Kanata Lakes and Beaverbrook neighbourhoods.

Today, KGPC lawyers will file a notice of application in Ontario Superior Court to stop the development of the Kanata Golf Course lands.  The application seeks to have the court declare that two Restrictive Covenants are enforceable and thereby limit how the land can be used.

The first, is a Restrictive Covenant about the preservation of Greenspace due to the 40% Principle.  It states that forty percent of the original development area, which includes the golf course and Trillium Woods, remain as greenspace.  The KGPC is taking ClubLink to court to enforce the 40% Principle, as the Ontario Court of Appeal decision only dealt with the City of Ottawa’s ability to have the land conveyed to it.

The second, is a restrictive covenant concerning Stormwater Management that stems from an agreement ClubLink signed when it acquired the Kanata Golf Course lands in November 1996.  It specifically restricts the (re)grading of the land and the altering of its inherent Stormwater Management function.

“We’re asking the court to enforce both Restrictive Covenants and declare that ClubLink’s proposed development breaches one or both of the restrictive covenants.  This would prevent them from proceeding with this development and protect our precious greenspace,” says KGPC Chair Barbara Ramsay.

The KGPC will host a Help Save Our Greenspace virtual town hall on Wednesday, February 23rd at 7pm to update our supporters on the legal and planning aspects of our fight.

Event details and YouTube LiveStream link

KGPC Chair Barbara Ramsay is available for comment.


Contact: KGPC Chair, Barbara Ramsay at 613-725-6595 or chair@ourkanatagreenspace.ca


The Kanata Greenspace Protection Coalition is a not-for-profit corporation, focused on increasing public awareness about the importance of greenspace preservation.  Our goal is to raise funds and public support for the City of Ottawa efforts to ensure that the 40% Agreement is enforced.

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